Transgender Day of Remembrance

transgender-memorial1Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which occurs annually on November 20, is a day to memorialize those who have been killed as a result of transphobia (the hatred or fear of transgender and gender non-conforming people) and to bring attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community.

transgender-day-of-remembranceIt started in 1998 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, a trans woman who is a graphic designer, columnist, and activist to memorialize the murder of Rita Hester in Allston, Massachusetts. In 2010, Transgender Day of Remembrance was observed in over 185 cities throughout more than 20 countries. Typically, a Transgender Day of Remembrance memorial includes a reading of the names of those who lost their lives during the previous year, and may include other actions, such as candlelight vigils, art shows, food drives, film screenings, and marches. Transgender Awareness Week is a week in November, generally leading up to Transgender Day of Remembrance, when transgender advocates raise awareness of the transgender community through education and advocacy activities.

DC-Trans-Ad-CampaignTDOR publicly mourns and honors the lives of our brothers and sisters who might otherwise be Taiwan_transgender_triangle-1024x887forgotten. The Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses they face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. It is difficult to report on the exact number of transgender deaths every year since many deaths remain unreported. On top of that, transgender people are often misgendered after death causing difficulty to determine the exact number of deaths. However, it remains heartbreaking that so many lives are lost each year due to hate crimes.

transgender_day_of_remembrance_2012_shezow_comic_by_kirukachan-d5kyhgcEven this year little children beaten to death by their parents, because they didn’t fit in or were not how society tells them to be. But not only murder goes on, but the suicide rates go up as well. The risk of attempted suicide is especially severe for transgender or gender nonconforming people who have suffered discrimination or violence. Nearly 69% of transgender people that became homeless due to their gender identity tried to kill themselves. Too many beautiful young Trans lives are lost each year due to hate crimes and suicide.

R.I.P. Leslie Feinberg
R.I.P. Leslie Feinberg

One of the people who has to remembered today on the 20th of November is Leslie Feinberg. Unfortunately last weekend in Syracuse, New York Leslie, who was a trans activist, pioneer and author of the classic Stone Butch Blues has died at the age of 65 of complications related to tick-borne illnesses. Feinberg was involved not just in LGBT liberation movements but also in progressive movements more generally, including the anti-racism, pro-choice, anti-war and pro-labor causes. Feinberg was also the author of Transgender Warriors: Making History and a second novel called Drag King Dreams. Feinberg is survived by partner Minnie Bruce Pratt and an extended family of choice, as well as many friends, activists and comrades around the world in struggle against oppression and for liberation. We wish her family and friends lots of strength and our condoleances to this strong fighter who wants to remembered as a revolutionary communist.

Laverne Cox
Laverne Cox

This year also on a high note well-known transgender and actress Laverne Cox of the show “Orange Is The New Black” got front cover of TIME magazine as the first transgender ever!!! Cox was one of the many trans people profiled in the “I AM: Trans People Speak”, a campaign created by the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition and sponsored by GLAAD to raise awareness about the diversity of transgender communities. It aims to lift the voices of transgender individuals, as well as their families, friends and allies. “When I started transitioning 14 years ago, I had this fantasy that I would start taking hormones and in a few years I would blend in and no one would know I was transgender,” said activist Laverne Cox. “I knew a lot of transfolk like that, who presented this as the goal of transition. When I realized I was not blending in effortlessly…. I had to begin to own this transgender thing. When I encounter people they can usually tell I’m transgender, and if I don’t own it I’m going to go around being shameful about it all the time. It’s a reality of my life, it’s a reality of my existence, and it’s something I’ve come to believe is beautiful about me.”

laverne-coxOther Famous transgender role models are amongst other Writer (and son of Cher) chazChaz Bono, Adult film star Buck_AngelBuck Angel, Party-goer amada leporeAmanda Lepore, songwriter songwriter LUCAS SILVEIRA1Lucas Silveira, Supermodel Rau 3Ines-Loan RauTyson-Beckford-and-transgender-model-Ines-Rau-3, Pole Vaulter balian buschbaumBalian Buschbaum, Actress candisCandis Cayne, Designer isisIsis King, comedian ian harveyIan Harvey, Rupaul’s Drag Race Star tumblr_mvasd7VWX01rosb88o3_250Carmen Carrera, Photographer loren cameronLoren Cameron and LGBT rights advocate ryan sallansRyan Sallans.

TDORTDOR__candle2If you want to know more or search for significant others, then go to the Transgender guide. An Online Community for Transsexuals, Crossdressers, Transgender & All Gender Variant Individuals at their website: Their goal is to provide the Transgender community with quality resources. They are committed to publishing the most comprehensive website of services and information, accurately representing the Transgendered community, in a positive manner. They would like to make you feel comfortable here, encourage your feedback and hope you will explore the site. They have one of the largest collections of informative texts on the web. Or go for more information also to:  Whether you need help determining your size, coming out to your family, or learning about how the law affects you; the answer is right there!!!

trans-pride-flag-750x400On Transgender Day of Remembrance Trans imagespeople from all around the world, their friends, families, and their allies takes hands to remember those precious lives that were lost. Stand up together with the message that the killings, hate and discrimination must stop. They are real men and women who deserve life and happiness. Being transgender is not a choice. Choosing to hurt someone is!

$(KGrHqZ,!rQE88hJNr7IBPlh3QpIyg~~60_35I REMEMBER!!! Thinking about you all and make this day for them one to remember!!! Big kiss, Lesley Middleton. Support them by following us also on Facebook and Twitter, because we have to stick together!!!


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