Tr*mp Is A Thug In Charge
We haven’t even reached a full month of Tr*mp’s second term and we’re collectively losing it. It’s understandable: as Ezra Klein recently pointed out, Tr*mp’s tactic of “flooding the airwaves” might be just for show, but it’s having the expected result. We’re all freaking out trying to figure out which executive orders are real threats and which are bound to be scrapped within days. It’s essential that we keep our heads through all this, because the real fight is just starting. But it’s not easy.

That’s why representatives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jasmine Crockett are the people we need to be watching right now. They’re on the front lines, calling bs on every fresh onslaught to our collective consciousness.

Recently on MSNBC, Jasmine Crockett called all of this exactly what it is and laid out our next steps in no uncertain terms. Jasmine Crockett just said what everyone’s thinking!!!
“He’s doing everything he can to get rid of those checks and balances,…” Crockett said. “The problem is that Americans thought it was okay to take a full-fledged criminal and make him the President of the US and then they want to act aghast when he does criminal things. Let me tell you, we have a thug in charge of the US and if we don’t wake up we may not have a US.”
She’s right—but what does “waking up” entail here? This is where Ezra Klein’s advice comes in handy. As the Tr*mp administration continues, we need to get better at separating the real threats from the false ones. If we don’t, we’ll remain overwhelmed and we won’t be able to fight.

“In Tr*mp’s first term, we were told: Don’t normalize him,” Klein writes. “In his second, the task is different: Don’t believe him.” If we want to keep our wits about us right now, we need to get better at learning what presidential power actually is, and what it’s not. Tr*mp may be acting like a dictator and an authoritarian, which is no surprise. Those are things he wants to be, but he can’t yet become those things. As Crockett says, we need to see him as the con artist he is, not the president he’s pretending to be.
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