Mr. Gay Europe 2016 winner Raf Van PuymbroeckA BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD
In less than a week time 12 men will compete for the title of Mister Gay Europe in Stockholm this weekend and step in the footsteps of current Belgian Mr. Gay Europe 2016 Raf Van Puymbroeck.
Check out the 12 candidates and choose who is your favorite:
Belgium: Jaimie Deblieck, 18 years old
Bulgaria: Yuksel Yuseinov, 28 years old
Czech Republic: Daniel Fröhlich, 23 years old
England: Matt Rood, 37 years old
Finland: Rami Kiiskinen, 20 years old (No video available unfortunately)
Germany: Niko Wirachman, 27 years old
Ireland: Stephen Lehane, 24 years old
Poland: Kacper Sobieralski, 26 years old
Portugal: Joao de Oliveira, 27 years old
Scotland: Steven Whyte, 39 years old
Slovak Republic: Jaromir Šufr, 41 years old
Wales: Ben Brown, 28 years old
One of the international judges this year is Austin Armacost is an international cover model, TV personality, gay
rights activist, and recent two time Celebrity UK Big Brother All Star. Adding to Austin’s list of accomplishments in the television world is his accomplishments in the fight for equality and justice around the world. He says “I am looking for a delegate that can be a wonderful role model for our community. In Europe, although widely accepted, we still have a battle until every LGBT person is recognized and protected under the law.”
You can still vote for one of the candidates every 24 hours until the deadline 4th of August here:

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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES