Channing Tatum Goes Shirtless To Promote His New Children’s Book, The One And Only Sparkella #PinkInOurLives

The Magic Mike stud is set to release The One and Only Sparkella in May 2021 but he has offered an early glimpse, sharing the introduction to the book, which he wrote for his 6-year-old little girl Everly.

“To Everly, the most brilliant magical being that I have ever known,” he writes in an exclusive excerpt released to People magazine. “You are my greatest teacher.”

“My only wish is for more time in this life to play in all of the magical realms we have created. This is also for all Dads that might have a little girl… Wear whatever, dance however, and be as magical as you can. Because I promise they will return the love.”

The book is centered around a young girl named Ella, who likes sparkly things and gets teased at school for wearing disco ball shoes. But her father teaches her lessons about expressing herself and loving herself.

The book features illustrations from Kim Barnes and will be published on May 4, 2021.

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