Hot of the press each week!!!
News and information from our LGBT Community with topics:
Headlines ? ?
Earcandy ?
Gaytube ?
ModelMayhem ? ?
The Silver Screen ?
Queerty: Actor Max Parker confirms he’s gay and living with fellow soap star.
British actor Max Parker has given an exclusive interview to Attitude magazine in which he talks about his sexuality and relationship with fellow actor, Kris Mochrie.
Drag Star Alaska invades Hollywood with an epic version of “Let It Snow”
Mormon Doc Jake Jacob Strips Off Temple Undergarments and Finds His Authentic Self!!! He opens up about walking away from the church.

In an emotional Instagram post, Jacob wrote about the day he decided to no longer wear his “magic underwear,” which those in the church would call ‘temple garments.’ Noticeably clad in a t-shirt and briefs, Jacob said, “It’s been 12 years since I decided to stop wearing them, it made no sense since I was having sex with men which is a mortal sin against the Mormon church’s teachings.”
LGBTQnation: Man canceled Christmas when his granddaughter came out as trans. But her mom stood up for her.
“So you can be damned sure I was going to see my child respected in her home,” the amazing parent said.
Instinct magazine:
Bolivia Approves First Same-Sex Union Thanks To Activist Couple ???????
Pink In Our Lives:
West Hollywood’s City Council Votes Unanimously For Trans Flag Crosswalks!!! West Hollywood streets will soon have crosswalks that spotlight transgender citizens and queer citizens of color.
Peter Quill is a member of the LGBTQ+ community, OFFICIALLY.?
?Marvel Comics have confirmed that Star-Lord, a member of their beloved superhero collective Guardians of the Galaxy – and one of their most popular characters in history – is bisexual.??

In Guardians of the Galaxy #9, from writer Al Eewing, artist Juann Cabal, colorist Federico Blee and letterer Cory Petit, the character’s mythology and origins were redefined.? After he was seemingly killed off in the fourth issue, readers discovered that Star-Lord – whose birth name is Peter Quill – was transported to another dimension because of the power wielded by his Elemental Gun.?
?Quill spends hundreds of years in this dimension, called Morinus, and grows close to a couple called Aradia and Mors, who proposition him with entering their relationship – essentially becoming a throuple.? Although he turns down their advances at first, Quill realized that his time on Morinus is far from over and submits to their love triangle, becoming intimate with the pair in a neon-lit pool. It was all very sensual.
Earcandy ?:
Jennifer Hudson with Hallelujah:
Gaytube ?: Mitchell Kenny enjoying his butt massage
The Silver Screen ?:
Throughout the years there have been in television series remarkable same-sex couples and love stories shown. They made history on our screens and had an impact as well in the LGBT Community as in the straight world. They have shown that every kind of love is beautiful and its us the same as any other with ups and downs.
Sirens – Richard Madden & Scott Ryan Vickers
ModelMayhem ? ? Blond hunk Max Wyatt
This year has seen an explosion of gay and lesbian Christmas films, a major change to a genre that has historically excluded LGBTQ+ people. Although from its pageantry to its camp to its carols, Christmas has actually always been queer — and films, implicitly and explicitly, have nodded at that for decades.

Take a sleigh ride to the productions that made the Yuletide gay and choose your best Christmas movie ?????????
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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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