RAF VAN PUYMBROEK IS MISTER GAY BELGIUM 2016 #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

13323546_553774124794514_9111629293288749773_oA BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com

After an intense few months for the eleven candidates competing for the title of Mister Belgium 2016 with press conferences, shows and training schedules the time for the Finale Show was here last Saturday.

IMG_6340IMG_6330On Saturday the 28th of May the Elckerlyck Theatre in Antwerp opened its doors to the crowd at 8pm, IMG_6336but VIPS and Sponsors were invited to be there at 18.30 for some refreshments (read: bubbles ;p) and fingerfood. So we mingled and took pictures of the attendees like for example Mister Gay Germany Aaron Koenigs, Mister Gay World Roger Cosalbez, Showqueen Sacha Ryan and Miss Belgian Travestie Dina Delvaux, model Vincent BanicIMG_6348, Mister Gay Netherlands 1st Runner-up Steven van AkelijenIMG_6357 and presenter/actor Kurt Rogiers.IMG_6350.

IMG_639313268290_1777755122435912_8763545785578659949_oAround 20.00 the show started with a great opening that set the tone for the rest of the evening. The boys 13308534_1777755269102564_7970126561150570493_ohad a full schedule with dance performances, testing their knowledge about our LGBT community, catwalk run in swimwear and answering important questions on the sofa with presenter and organizer Bram Bierkens about our LGBT community.

13268442_994597953922890_2367930065474981375_o13335866_994597060589646_7477732222718888436_nThe show took around four hours with a break of a half hour. With many guest appearances from Eurovision Songtest candidate Axel Hirsoux, artists Dana Winner13307322_1796236957276687_4640323016533280478_n and Dimitri Vantomme13227654_994598430589509_1627021104031887562_o till showqueen Miss Ivana13344514_994598373922848_2555284944053886147_n you couldn’t be bored or fall asleep. When organizer Bram and current title holder Skelte Willems reviewed his year in pictures on stage, they couldn’t kept their eyes dry and you could tell they had built a good friendship over the year. This year was the second time of the show in Elckerlyck Theatre and it definitely improved. The election gets every year more and more attention and gets bigger and bigger. The venue was sold out and this year there was an after-party. One of the candidates of the previous year Joachim 13239069_1072476276157317_5908392259038621319_npumped up the music after everybody wanted a picture with the new mister.

Impression of the event:

IMG_6367Around midnight the votes from the 16 jury members and the online voting were in and it was time to


know who will follow 2015 winner Skelte Willems in his footsteps. Skelte will always be the last winner of Mr. Gay Vlaanderen, because this year the title has changed to Mister Gay Belgium to make it more international. Second runner-up became Ignace Vermeulen, first runner-up Abdellah Bijat and the NEW Mister Gay Belgium 2016 is RAF VAN PUYMBROECK!!!

IMG_6387chocolateOther prizes were for mister Congeniality Sidney Demeulemeester13320383_1777755252435899_7027615574484423954_o, Mister charity for selling most chocolates in the campaign “Say NO with pralines to bullying, gay-bashing and discrimination” became Lenz Borgenon13220876_1072475909490687_5212350443680560242_n and mister Photogenic was also won by Raf Van Puymbroeck.13308689_1777755512435873_635249977317495130_o.


The four mister Gay from 2013 till 2016: Tom Goris, Willem Joris, Skelte Willems and Raf van Puymbroeck
The four mister Gay from 2013 till 2016: Tom Goris, Willem Joris, Skelte Willems and Raf van Puymbroeck

12985636_537521513086442_3325163830786019511_nCONGRATULATIONS from Pink In Our Lives and I to all the candidates for their performance on stage and off 13071955_541801162658477_7987492638912455842_ocourse to all the winners of this 2016 edition in search of the best Belgian ambassador of the LGBT community. We think Raf will do a great job and look forward to see how his campaign will be. Thanks to Bram and his partner Ivan Denis for doing a great job and that we could have been a part of it and thanks to photographers Emmanuel De Prijcker, Wilfried Peersman, Johan Cansse and Rene Emmerink for the pictures. If you have missed the whole show, you can still watch the live stream version here on youtube:

IMG_6406See more at www.mrgaybelgium.be and please follow us for more about the contestants at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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