pink shower fyi

There is so much Pink news to spread and I don’t want you to miss out on the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest and gayest stories, pictures and videos. That is why we are going to try to shower you with a short weekly blast of infotainment!!! Let’s get wet everywhere boys and girls. Enjoy and if you have something to share, please send me a message at

Best wedding proposal of this week!!! Spencer’s home depot marriage proposal to Dustin:

27 september the Los Angeles Dodgers (Major League baseball team) will held their first LGBT night. They want jumbo_shot49780381to welcome any fans and recognize the LGBT community of LA. A celebrity will throw out the first pitch and a special guest will sing the national anthem with The Gay Men’s chorus of LA. Afterwards there will be fireworks and a performance of DJ Manny Lehman


Daniel & Mihai wedding's ceremony
Daniel & Mihai wedding’s ceremony

Romanian gay couple Daniel and Mihai not only won on a reality game show a wedding ceremony, but also became the first televised broadcast of a gay wedding in Romania’s history.


Lesbian singer K.D. Lang
Lesbian singer K.D. Lang

Lesbian singer KD Lang makes her broadway debut next year in musical “After midnight”.

Britney Spear’s new audio song “Work bitch”:


Stonewall urges UK  players to show their support for gay footballers by wearing rainbow colored boot laces. The laces have been distributed to every footballer across all 134 professional clubs in the UK. Each player is asked to wear the laces in their club. The campaign’s message of “Right Behind Gay Footballers” is designed to kick start a change in attitudes and make football more gay-friendly. Straight footballer Joey Barton becomes the first to wears the anti-homophobia rainbow laces and say “people’s sexuality shouldn’t be an issue” in the sport.


Ricky martin shows the cover of his first children’s book coming out on the 14th of November 6a00d8341c730253ef019aff6df6fd970d-800wi


Michael Londen (producer of "MILK")
Michael Londen (producer of “MILK”)

Michael Londen (producer of the movie Milk with Sean Penn)  is going to make a series about a transgender boy and his family, with the end conclusion that SHE is probably the most normal person in this family. It will be a first about this topic, especially shown at prime time in the US.


Charlie Humnan
Charlie Humnan

BUTT OF THE WEEK: Charlie Humnam who is going to be the male lead in the movie 50 Shades Of Grey charlie hunnam04and one of the lead actors in the series Son Of Anarchy.charlie hunnam02

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