2017 has already started and lots stuff has happened in the last two months. Finland has legalized
Equal Marriage from the 1st of March and making them the 22nd country with same-sex marriage. Many Sports athletes are coming out of the closet and with the organization “Heroes of Football” straight footballers give their support to be not afraid of coming out of the closet within the sports region.
Pink In Our Lives has been active now for more than 3 years and becoming bigger and more known. The years before has been great, but 2017 is going to be an amazing year as well with many Prides, interviews with many people all over the world, more stories , more hotties, more showtime and lots of fun plus one BIG event coming up in October!!!
I began Pink In Our Lives with the idea of sharing what I know, who I am and giving an idea of how fun the LGBT life can be if you look further than the negative sides in our community. These sides are out there and should definitely not be forgotten. But with so much heartache, destruction and pain in the world, I was (and I think you as well) in need for something that makes me smile or tickle me in all the right places 😉

Thanks to the fans, followers and allies it became more huge than I thought and I am glad to be a little influence in the community and could not to do it without YOU all. BUTT (and a big but ;p)…… also a special thanks to my husband-to-be, photographer and OutTv reporter René Emmerink, Showqueen reporter Christiaan D’Hooghe and good friend Lex Decrans, who all help to make this page great!!!

With the help of our social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr we get thousands of likes, followers and views to see that our LGBT community isn’t as bad as Donald Trump makes out to be. Pink In Our Lives is your biggest supporter and ally in changing the world into a better place. THE page that will be a handsome package that unfolds you all the hottest specimen in this world with THE Hotties Of The Day. Pink In our Lives is your storyteller and promoter for new parties and venues. We will visit your party and show the world what they would miss out the next time. Here is an example:

Pink In Our Lives has becoming more a household name and getting more the feeling of appreciation.

People asking us for interviews, mentioning us in their shows, other blogs or Facebook pages. So it is important to keep this all up and giving the fans what they need and I keep continuing to do this in 2017 with my team and friends!!!

You can expect in 2017 candid and sexy interviews with among others than Mister Gay India, My Kitchen Rules

semi-finalist Jordan Bruno, Porn stars, Showqueens Sacha Ryan and Kyara Mystica, the 12 new Candidates of Mister Gay Belgium and many more. RECAPS of big and little events like for example Leatherpride Belgium, Miss Travestie Belgian, Showqueen Awards, 15 years Maskara, Antwerp Pride and lots more. NEW and returning items like “Morning Wood”, Lists of TEN, “Retro Hetero”, Movie Reviews, Superheroes, Hottie Of The Day and much, much more. Are you already getting excited and aroused? We can’t wait to bring it all for you!!! 😉

But the big difference this year is we are going to help and produce an event/show on the 8th of October with bringing one of the big singers of Holland Glennis Grace to Belgium with other great showqueens and artists for an evening full of music, humor and entertainment. Very proud of it and if you want to be there, contact us for more information and tickets!!!
I could not do this all without all your comments, support and love. Thank you everybody and keep sharing, liking and inviting your friends to make this a better LGBT world for everybody. If you have a party or venue to promote, you wanna share your story or you think we should mention something important on our page, just send us an email at info@pinkinourlives.com

Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr
Fill out your email address at www.pinkinourlives.com for more updates, news, stories, parties and more!!! DON’T SAY IT, BUT SPRAY IT!!!
Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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