12764597_10153385451173193_6708029288403436498_oA new year, a new name!!! It is time again as we showed you in February for a new edition of Mister Gay Belgium (formerly known as Mister Gay Flanders). The twelve contestants for 2016 are known for the public and are looking forward to take over the reign of mister Gay Flanders 2015 Skelte Willems. They have their own message to bring out to the world and show why they should be named as Mister Gay Belgium 2016 at the 28th of May in Antwerp. Time for PINK IN OUR LIVES to put all candidates separately in the spotlight and give a taste of who they are. The second candidate is Glenn van Meerbeek.

12764575_514573065381287_3874530975549426035_oglennGlenn van Meerbeek is 23 years old and is living in Hasselt. He did his coming out in 2008 and his project is about “LGBT victims of inappropriate sexual behavior”.

12573678_10207883965953698_1056249144187664779_nWAS YOUR COMING OUT EASIER OR MORE DIFFICULT THAN EXPECTED AND WHY?
In the beginning it went better than expected, but I still had a difficult period with my father. He had difficulty to accept my coming out and being gay. I lost also a few friends, who wouldn’t accept me as gay, but my REAL friends accept and support me for who I am”.

12718286_1658139857740006_2685934797027726345_npeople_rihanna-e1448310913127WHO IS YOUR BIG IDOL/SEX SYMBOL OR GREAT EXAMPLE AND WHY?
Rihanna, she is a gorgeous woman. The last years she brought very good songs and her styling is superb!”

1935086_513863588785568_170242540321710793_n12512436_938623116187041_4441744747292624376_nWHY IS YOUR THEME/PROBLEM SO IMPORTANT?
I follow the competition from the beginning and in the last 3 years I never saw my theme mentioned. I searched for the courage and made it my mission to bring this theme/problem, because I experienced it from first hand. I am a victim of sexual inappropriate behavior. It is very important for me that I can support other people and help them. It is and still will be a difficult subject to talk about. You don’t shout it out from the rooftops that you are sexually abused. That is why I want to be a listening ear for the victims and give them advice and information where to find help. Maybe even help them to report the attacker”.

12392058_10207688645630812_6631189556672824978_n1888593_10202678790427563_102071808_nWHAT IS YOUR BEST AND WORST QUALITY?12439304_10208349952163062_6435826640107539825_n
My best quality is that I am very social. I have no problem at all to talk to strangers about anything or to tell them what is happening with me at that moment”.

My worst quality is” that I get very chaotic, because I am very driven in everything I do , but then I have to breathe again and start over slowly”.

12832555_10208264447985511_8416945738449700786_nTELL US A SECRET ABOUT YOURSELF THAT NOT MANY PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU?
“Actually I really love cars. I am not afraid to make my hands dirty with cars and getting under the hood myself. I get a real rush also from the speed that some cars have”.

12742246_10208109587034084_1596783598339328598_nWHAT WILL YOUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE IN TEN YEARS?12801309_516046525233941_9021087858626615251_n
My big dream is to have (hopefully) my own business. But I still want to be in ten years an intermediator for people who have problems with sexual inappropriate behavior. This is my lifegoal that people can contact or talk to me about it at any time for advice.”

FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION: “Camper in the Ardenne or sun-sea-beach”
DATING-APPS:Use this rarely or almost never
SEXIEST HUNK: 10.25_ 3437.NEF“Channing Tatum”
PINK IN OUR LIVES: “Fun and informative website”
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT:Not yet experienced this”
FAVORITE MOVIE:The Devil Wears Prada”
MISTER GAY BELGIUM: “I can’t be a judge about it for now”

12748007_10208067754508297_7234211333343639265_oThank you for your answers Glenn and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE/app/129570913824547?app_data=39390

May the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Marc Drofmans, Kevin Wuyts, Emmanuel Deprijckere, Ivo Gautier, René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates and www.welovemisses.be for the video.

IMG_5824See more at www.mrgaybelgium.be and please follow us for more about the contestants at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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