
12891695_774030922697687_394174891133677120_oA new year, a new name!!! It is time again as we showed you in February for a new edition of Mister 12805865_775240215910091_530320890048157072_nGay Belgium (formerly known as Mister Gay Flanders). The twelve contestants for 2016 are known for the public and are looking forward to take over the reign of mister Gay Flanders 2015 Skelte Willems. They have their own message to bring out to the world and show why they should be named as Mister Gay Belgium 2016 at the 28th of May in Antwerp. Time for PINK IN OUR LIVES to put all candidates separately in the spotlight and give a taste of who they are. The sixth candidate is Nico Maes.

12747294_514573005381293_7709593233309502458_oNico Maes is 26 years old and is living in Lede. He did his coming out in 2013 and his project is about “the LGBT community at the country side”.

12711272_513863702118890_7149055066090850263_oWAS YOUR COMING OUT EASIER OR MORE DIFFICULT THAN EXPECTED AND WHY?12795321_516046538567273_1774209971422897498_n

“My coming out was easier than expected, because the persons around me supported me instantly. This was very positive for me and I did not expect this.”

13087347_10153778283144480_1589612315616732731_nWHO IS YOUR BIG IDOL/SEX SYMBOL OR GREAT EXAMPLE AND WHY?

My biggest idol is Rafael Nadal!!!hunk-rafael-nadal-shirtless I played tennis as a hobby and I looked up to him”.

13095747_541801135991813_2764994113993028277_n10710478_10201759115094671_7728783246574646709_oWHY IS YOUR THEME/PROBLEM SO IMPORTANT?

I think my theme is very important, because at the country side there is a shortage of gay clubs and bars. There is no place here, where LGBTI’s can be themselves without prejudice and trying to make contact inside the LGBTI community.”

11252163_680330155401098_9013230536428604154_n13227227_1072478769490401_654507184301708663_nWHAT IS YOUR BEST AND WORST QUALITY?

My best quality is that I am very loyal to myself. I am who I am and that stays that way”.

“My worst quality is I am very vain. The mirror is mostly my best friend”.

TELL US A SECRET ABOUT YOURSELF THAT NOT MANY PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU?13002367_536859586485968_7210254780424913821_o

They always say “everybody has got a secret”. Well, my little secret is that I had a relationship with a girl. We are still very close, so close that I am the godfather of her current child!!!”.

13087130_541331286038798_6456883969299901257_oWHAT WILL YOUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE IN TEN YEARS?

I hope to florish further in my career and that my partner and I have made beautiful and nice travel trips. Also that we still have the same amazing circle of friends“.


FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION: 12734016_751725058261607_6118527389149854959_nThe tropical Gran Canaria; sun, see and beach”

DATING-APPS: “Just for fun “GRINDR”

SEXIEST HUNK: ronaldo-armani“Christiano Ronaldo”


11781809_680329895401124_3979741219705320913_nIMG_5658PINK IN OUR LIVES: “An absolute must”


FAVORITE MOVIE: “The hunger Games”

MISTER GAY BELGIUM: “Ambassador for the LGBT community”

12747294_514573005381293_7709593233309502458_oThank you for your answers Nico and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE/app/129570913824547?app_data=39388

13010646_782877895146323_110056678938302345_nMay the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Marc Drofmans, Kevin Wuyts, Emmanuel Deprijckere, Ivo Gautier, René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates and www.welovemisses.be for the video.

IMG_5819 (2)See more at www.mrgaybelgium.be and please follow us for more about the contestants at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton



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