12764597_10153385451173193_6708029288403436498_o12933025_844425095666705_3861761330556458777_nA new year, a new name!!! It is time again as we showed you in February for a new edition of Mister Gay Belgium (formerly known as Mister Gay Flanders). The twelve contestants for 2016 are known for the public and are looking forward to take over the reign of mister Gay Flanders 2015 Skelte Willems. They have their own message to bring out to the world and show why they should be named as Mister Gay Belgium 2016 at the 28th of May in Antwerp. Time for PINK IN OUR LIVES to put all candidates separately in the spotlight and give a taste of who they are. The eight candidate is Tim Van Bael.


Tim Van Bael is 24 years old and is living in Wiekevorst. He did his coming out in 2011 and his project is about “the LGBT people in education”.

11149237_689992721109944_2355851447058181146_nWAS YOUR COMING OUT EASIER OR MORE DIFFICULT THAN EXPECTED AND WHY?

“Looking back my coming out went without a stitch. Everybody reacted very positive. When I wanted to tell someone, I was so nervous every time. How would my friends, family, school or work react? I didn’t want to lose or disappoint anybody. If I had known that everybody would react so positive, I would have come out way earlier. The biggest problem was to face my fear and just tell it.”

13087690_541801212658472_7459748286913360066_n10397983_643826199059930_7800883706322359988_nWHO IS YOUR BIG IDOL/SEX SYMBOL OR GREAT EXAMPLE AND WHY?

“A real idol I don’t have actually. There is for me a big difference between my role model and somebody who I expect to be a sex symbol”. With my role model it is pure about the inside and accomplishes, while someone can be a sex symbol now, but in a few years not anymore. Sex symbols have for me a tattoo, some muscles and a goatee.. My role model is all about trust, persistence, honesty, getting back at your feet. My former teacher Geography is definitely that person. He has helped me in so many ways with things like the theme of my campaign… The way he stands in life is a perfect example for me. I recommend everybody to have a role model in life!


1451410_451397261636159_1937822219_nWHY IS YOUR THEME/PROBLEM SO IMPORTANT?

“My theme is important in many ways. First and foremost personally. I intend to work most of my life as a teacher. If there 12809539_516046585233935_4236860300919444560_nis no equality for LGBT in this line of work, how can I do my job with pleasure. Secondly there is always written that women are not equally treated within jobs, but nobody writes about the LGBT people. People are still in shock when I tell them this problem still exists in 2016. So I want to put this in the spotlight. And last but not least the students deserve a voice too. If LGBT youth get to hear at an early age that they are not good enough and they are strange. What influence does this have on their development. Discovering that you are “different” is not that simple. It is a sensitive age. They need to be searching for themselves, discovering the world and the people around them. At this point there should be more attention and guidance for them, because in many school books there is only the boy/girl relationship. Where do these LGBT students get their examples and support? Many times everybody say we need to have more attention to the young people and elderly. Well in this case is definitely necessary!! That is why: Tim and equality, also on school!!!”.


13177103_859600724149142_779326819150808448_nWHAT IS YOUR BEST AND WORST QUALITY?

“My best quality is that according to my friends I walk through fire for the people that I love and care about or for the things that I really want”.

“My worst quality is my insecurity”.

1461470_451397341636151_2137199434_n13174143_1072476692823942_5964167304398451411_nTELL US A SECRET ABOUT YOURSELF THAT NOT MANY PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU?

“I have a huge weakness for underwear, mainly boxers”. I don’t have two exactly the same pieces. Different brands, models and colors.

WHAT WILL YOUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE IN TEN YEARS?12985338_536859626485964_5558697563931184620_n

“A full time job as a teacher and preferably combined with working in the weekend in the Horeca. A steady boyfriend and child would be great along with still my grandparents at my side. I still want to live at the country side, a house with a big garden: love it!!!”And the title of Mister Gay Belgium 2016 behind my name would be a great extra! ;o).


FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION: “Culture, sun and my best girlfriend”

DATING-APPS: “I have several, but I rarely make a date on it”

SEXIEST HUNK: “Honesty and trust are supersexy. Although Justin Bieber and Christiano Ronaldo are fine too. Or closer to home in Belgium: ZHA_S49v_400x400Jens Geerts

MARRIAGE OR GETTING CHILDREN: “Definitely a child. But marriage can too on one condition that my man goes on his knees. ;o) And hopefully it will be possible at that time to get married in church too.”

13063389_541331292705464_3287668582293753953_oPINK IN OUR LIVES: “A bit “PINK” in everyone’s lives makes everything so much fun. Although the other colors of our rainbow flag are prettier.”

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: “It exists! I just need to find it”

FAVORITE MOVIE: “If I stay” and “The fault in our stars” are two great ones. Although I will never pass over a feature of the movie “Titanic”!”

MISTER GAY BELGIUM: “Great contest and team! As well the organization as the fellow candidates. They want to change something and also help me grow in a positive way”.

12747451_514573152047945_7371153412842108938_oThank you for your answers Tim and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE/app/129570913824547?app_data=39389

942038_537521523086441_3219104303925656087_nMay the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Marc Drofmans, Kevin Wuyts, Emmanuel Deprijckere, Ivo Gautier, René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates and www.welovemisses.be for the video.

IMG_5817See more at www.mrgaybelgium.be and please follow us for more about the contestants at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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