Gender non-conforming model Rain Dove gave a masterclass in how to handle transphobic hostility after an upset mother contacted them on social media and accused Dove of making her child “sick.”
Instead of responding back sharply, Dove walked the mother gently through her feelings, validating her emotions along the way, and led her to a place where she was willing to show the support her child needed.

After the mom tells them that her child, Sammy, “wants to be a boy” and asked for a binder, Dove immediately switched to gender-neutral pronouns and ignored the insults to validate the woman’s emotions and fears.

“I can imagine it must feel a bit like they are rejecting You when they reject parts of their body,” Dove messaged back. “For You to be spending Your time reaching out to me – it shows You must care a lot about their happiness and well-being.”
Disarmed, the woman opened up a bit, giving Dove a chance to explain what binders are, how they can help, and the potential dangers of ignoring Sammy’s request.

“I want her alive an happy I guess,” the mom replied. “I just want her to love herself she’s beautiful.”
“It’s easier to love Ourselves,” Dove answered, “when we feel loved as Ourselves no matter where we are on our paths.”

And then, they completely turned the conversation around – by praising the woman who had been insulting them just minutes before.
While it isn’t easy upon trans people to put up with slurs and the responsibility of walking others through the journey to acceptance, Dove’s little bit of compassion highlights just how important it can be.

Read below how Dove handled the complete situation and didn’t make only the mother change her mind, but we think Rain Dove moved and showed a lot more people that always try to stand in somebody else their shoes and don’t only think about your opinion. Be open-minded please!!! ???

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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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