Dear friends & followers,
Due to the Covid 19/corona virus, a lot of artists have gotten temporary unemployed because of cancelations etc. Naming musicians, actors, Showqueens etc. This is very sad.
That means also for us not a possibility to visit events, shows etc.

To keep his creative brain going …(there is a LOT going on up there!), our one and only ShowQueen reporter Christiaan jumped into his old side job and personal interest …..Classical music.

Sharing new launchings from (new) singers that he knows, loves and do deserve some publicity. Classical music isn’t old fashioned or dull, many young people find the way to the classical composers and performers. It is definitely a field to discover.

Here is his one of a kind review of this beautiful artist Avery Amereau, who is married with the Italian barihunk Ildebrando D’Arcangelo. One year ago Avery gave also birth to their son Raphael. Not only does Pink In Our Lives share LGBT+ findings, but also our great allies. We want to enlight beautiful things in our world that fits in our community as well.

Avery Amereau signing Irene “Vedró con mío diletto.”Bajazet Vivaldi. (From the canceled production due to covid 19, this aria was saved thankfully!)
Join Christiaan and us on this journey and broaden your horizon.
Christiaan: “I thankfully hope you want to follow me, in this.
Before starting, I am NOT a professional musician, I am NOT a musicologist so don’t shoot me for using terms that sound understandable for me, but are not encyclopedia worthy.
Last but not least, be nice. Some of the featured people work hard.
Not everything is and can’t be everybody’s taste.
So…..A-MEN to that!”

“A few years ago in 2013, on one of my rare my relaxing evenings at home I watched a line up from Master classes from the Kansas mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato.
(Must say she does a great job at it!!!)
The class itself recorded at the very prestigious Julliard Conservatory New York.
One of the musicians in this class was the American young contralto Avery Amereau.
(Contralto is the lowest female voice….just some information.)
From the first moment she opened her mouth, singing the Handel aria from his opera Rinaldo “Cara Sposa…” (….beside the fact of Avery being a very beautiful woman), I was immediately flabbergasted from her stunningly amazing sound. And huge talent!
A very enthusiastic DiDonato describing her voice in the class “it’s like chocolate right, it’s like velvet caramel chocolate…it is so beautiful….”while hugging her”.

For the people, who want to watch the lesson/class, check the link.
“Years went by and thanks to social media and other channels I was able to follow Avery and her career. Singing oratorio, lieder, orchestral work and opera, Messiah, Vivaldi, Handel, Bach, Berlioz, Britten etc. Her talent being picked up by festivals and opera houses. Slowly by slowly her name, popped up more internationally.
Still I was very much surprised why there still was no official recording made from her voice.
My patience was thankfully rewarded this year. In the Spring of 2020 the ice blue covered debut album from Avery Amereau landed in my mailbox. (I love to buy physical discs in general, that’s a personal taste also helping the artists.) The album covering contralto Handel arias, the male and female roles/arias”.

“My patience got rewarded, because of the beauty and diversity from the repertoire!
From track 1 to track 15, every single aria is a immense joy to listen.
The “Cara Sposa… “, being heard here, with the Philharmonic Baroque Orchestra conducted wonderfully by conductor Nicholas McGegan, is a gem. Time has even made it more beautiful.
“Venti Turbini…”and “Or la Tromba…” also from Rinaldo makes me think how amazing this must be on stage. And even better there is a contralto voice able to achieve this demanding and virtuoso role.
“Or la Tromba….”dialoguing with the trumpet!!! This is the best!!! I jumped sky high, when I heard her Cesare and alsó the Cornelia from “Giulio Cesare…”on this album.
Avery handles….Handel/handles…lol ….them both with such ease and grace”.

“I believe her Cornelia…”Priva son, d’ogni conforto…” the sadness and depth from this character is heard channeling through Avery’s voice. Misera….dipping into the dark (sad) chest voice.
Another masterpiece on this recording is Claudio , from “Silla…”
Avery displays again her virtuoso instrument, in the warrior aria “Con tromba guerriera….”
Not going to review every single aria….for that you must buy/stream and go listen yourself.
But a perfect jewel is Ruggiero’s lamenting aria from Alcina, “Verdi Prati…” (For everybody who loves fairytales, witches, spells, etc this is a must see in the theatre. For sure!)
Not virtuoso, but with a lamenting sadness as Ruggiero is saying goodbye.
Goodbye to the green meadows and pleasant woods…..sigh. Every word, again has a meaning and yes I believe Avery. Again”.

Avery Amereau singing Rosina. (Rossini Barber of Sevile.) Highly pregnant one month before becoming Mother from Raphael.

“This album is THE perfect debut disc!
Avery’s instrument is a dark marble contralto, with a rich chest and middle register blooming into the warm top range, that seems endlessly. (Her passago…..seamless.)
Able to sing fiery and powerful coloratura beside long lamenting legato aria’s, with respect for the words. Her perfect Italian is very spicy! Love it. I can only wish for Avery to follow her instrument and time will tell what comes on her path. You’ll never know right.
Must say hearing her in all these magical parts, widen your horizon even more to (baroque) coloratura contralto roles. There is a load of repertoire still hidden right.
“General Amereau….” lol as Marilyn Horne got her nickname, General Horne.
No no, seriously. To compare her with any other contralto….so I’ll stop, would not give her credit. Here stands a musician from the new generation, and also not every voice is the same right.
An evening beside the piano with Russian, German, French lieder, Rachmaninov, Mahler, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Strauss, Berlioz, Fauré, Frank Martin…..oh yes Der Cornet….!!!
Or even reprising this Handel album at a beautiful concert hall….De Singel, AMUZ, Flemish Opera, Elizabeth hall in Antwerp, Bozar Brussels, The Concertgebouw Amsterdam etc…. I am in! Yes!
So far this will be one of my dessert island discs for sure!”
Avery Amereau “Handel album” link Spotify & YouTube.
Or buy the physical disc:
“Thank you for reading my review dearest followers & darlings.
Feel free to share, that would mean a lot to me.
Warm greetings from Pink In Our Lives reviewer / Showqueen Reporter,
Christiaan D’Hooghe”.

Avery Amereau personal page:
Abery Amereau Facebook page:
Avery Amereau Instagram:
Avery Amereau management:

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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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