NEW LGBTQ ADVENTURE GAME WILL LET YOU SOLVE CRIME ON THE ’80S LONDON GAY SCENE!!! A Kickstarter for ‘London 1986’ hopes to bring a unique new gaming concept to the masses.

“London 1986” is one of these games being created by individuals and small studios, to fill gaps in this burgeoning market. This game focus solely on the LGBTQ community during a turbulent and problematic time in their history – the 1980s.

The game follows DI Doug Henning as he investigates a series of crimes across the capital, trying to solve them using only his wits and the limited resources available at the time. It combines photographic backdrops with hand-drawn artwork to represent the characters involved, which are based on real-life actors, singers, drag artistes and regular members of the LGBTQ community and allies. The lead detective has been cast as Ellis Tustin, an actor and comedian, and also an avid gamer.

Originally conceived over two years ago by the lead designer Gareth Conroy-Edwards, it took a national lockdown and global pandemic to join forces with the creative team behind the game. Artwork has been created by Daisy Bennett, a talented artist whose work has featured in tourism guides and magazines, and who is also a longtime friend of Gareth’s and staunch ally.

The game will be available on PC, Mac and mobile platforms initially, with a launch to games consoles depending on the games success and market interest. The larger the number of platforms it is available on, the wider the potential target audience and the more chance it has of reaching members of the LGBTQ community that may be affected by the story that we’re trying to tell.

At a time when a number of countries still don’t have equal rights for their LGBT+ citizens, and hate crimes against members of the community (particularly its transgender members) are alarmingly high, a video game that casts a light on that community, and how far we have come, may just shine a light on how far we have yet to go.
Support the London 1986 Kickstarter campaign here:

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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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