A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com
For Madrid Pride Deejay Thiago De Oliveira Cunha teamed up with 2 other hunks and great photographer Joan Cristol to be featured for Spanish Magazine Zarpa against Homo -and Transphobia!!!
The title of this project for LGBTI Pride 2018 in Spain is “EXPRESS YOURSELF” and the three masculine man transformed in kinky clothes with a female touch. They even had to censor their pictures on Facebook and Instagram, because they were too hot to see and to expressive for the conservative bigots in the world.
In 18 countries Trans people must undergo sterilization and in 35 it is considered a mental illness. And due to the widespread transphobia in society the suicide rate triples among Trans people. We must fight for a less ignorant world, where gender isn’t defined by your body, but by who you are!!! Let’s fight for a future where the barbarisms against Trans people are remembered as we remember genocides of the past, with contempt and indignation!
Only in Spain itself 80% of young LGBTI people suffered verbal insults last year and 44% death threats… If we all join together and make “different” into “normal” we take away the weapons from the homophobes.
More than 70 countries in the world criminalize homosexuality. In 8 of them it is punished with the death penalty. 80% of young homosexuals suffer verbal insults, 44% were violently threatened, 31% were harassed or persecuted and 17% suffered physical abuse … And yet, only 20% report.
Festivities such as Gay Pride serve to raise awareness and leave behind homophobia. Zarpa Madrid wants to encourage everyone to “face up to…” to take it to the streets and enjoy diversity. With boots or heels, with pants or skirts, with harnesses or without them but with courage. If we all become visible there will be no reason for future generations to hide. If we fight for our freedom in its entirety there will be no weapons to fight it. If we show our happiness to the world, others will be infected.
That´s why we say:
Models: Soliman Herrera Johansson, Deejay Thiago de Oliveira Cunha and Jesus Martinez-Herrada
Art: Jose Manuel Warletta
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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES