The “Holebifoon” changes its name into “LUMI”.
The telephone line from Cavaria gives a shelter and is an information point for the LGBTI Community. From now on it is called “Lumi”, because the old name was more known for the LGB Community and didn’t cover all the other Capitals in our community. The target audience is much more than only gays, lesbians and bisexuals and next to the telephone line “Lumi” offers also chatting, mail and a more expanded website.
They were looking for a name that invites you for a conversation, that sounds like a good old friend and shows confidence. An extension of the name into holebi-transgender-asexual-queer-pansexual-intersex-plus-phone would go too far and that’s why it just became “LUMI”.
Lumi is there for everybody who have questions about gender and sexual preference. Cavaria spokesman Jeroen Borghs ensures “that all the gays, lesbians and bisexuals still can find their place at “Lumi”, but also transgenders and their environment can tell their stories or ask all their questions. Same for people who identify themselves as queer, non-binair, genderfluid or A-sexual or for people who wants to go through life without getting put a label on them”.
Also who just want information can get in touch with “LUMI”. The website is a good way to start to find everything about all the themes regarding gender or sexual preference. Can you not find directly an answer? You can always call, chat or email to
Fill out your email address at for more updates, news, stories, parties and more!!! DON’T SAY IT, BUT SPRAY IT!!!
Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES