Dear community members & allies,
Only a few months ago, we could not have imagined the impact that Coronavirus would be having on our lives today. At this time, Pink In Our Lives is aware and thoughtful of our LGBTQ+ and queer friends around the world. Many of us continue to live through daily challenges and uncertainty surrounding our identity. This global crisis only adds to that pressure.
Due to the Coronavirus several countries are going in lockdown and is staying home one of the ways to keep us all safe and healthy at the moment. Our community has a strong history of working together to overcome unique challenges. Stay strong and reach out to your friends. Think about members of the community who might be particularly at risk. We will all emerge stronger together.
I know our community likes to go out, express ourselves and enjoy being together at Prides, Social Events and Parties. I always tried to support all the organizations, clubs, bars, theatres and many more though my website and social media tools.
I keep continue to support LGBTQ+ people everywhere we can. I want to offer an opportunity to temporarily escape some of the anxiety and keep entertaining you through these difficulties with a smile, great thoughts, lovely memories and sense of joy each day.
I always wanted Pink In Our Lives to be a happy lifestyle platform. A platform to inform, entertain and to promote all the good in our community. I think with all the things happening in the world we need to share positive thoughts, information and keep looking for a brighter future.
I remain committed to bringing queer media and stories of hope to you, now more than ever. I have with my team many stories, interviews, videos, reviews, and photo albums to share with you. You will not get bored during lockdown and I will be pushing ahead to keep us empowered, educated and uplifted during such a difficult time. Like and share our page Pink In Our Lives with others!!! Follow all our social media tools and don’t miss out of anything. Fill out your email address at for updates, news, parties, stories and more!!! BE SAFE, BE HEALTHY and BE ENTERTAINED!!!
Also a big thank you to one of our friends and great cartoonist “Cartoon Called Life” to make us laugh and try to keep it all light during these difficult days.
Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr.
Fill out your email address at for more updates, news, stories, parties and more!!! DON’T SAY IT, BUT SPRAY IT!!!
Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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