12764597_10153385451173193_6708029288403436498_o12799397_518747521630508_7566772102232263194_nA new year, a new name!!! It is time again as we showed you in February for a new edition of Mister Gay Belgium (formerly known as Mister Gay Flanders). The twelve contestants for 2016 are known for the public and are looking forward to take over the reign of mister Gay Flanders 2015 Skelte Willems. They have their own message to bring out to the world and show why they should be named as Mister Gay Belgium 2016 at the 28th of May in Antwerp. Time for PINK IN OUR LIVES to put all candidates separately in the spotlight and give a taste of who they are. The ninth candidate is Raf van Puymbroek.


Raf van Puymbroek is 21 years old and is living in Vosselaar. He did his coming out in 2011 and his project is about “the LGBT in Sport & Diversity”.

13164454_1072480856156859_2941186188408716273_nWAS YOUR COMING OUT EASIER OR MORE DIFFICULT THAN EXPECTED AND WHY?

My coming out was easier than expected. I had expected many bad reactions and had put coming out on hold to avoid negativity. During my coming out I only received positive, understandable and compassionate reactions from my friends and family. Much better as expected.”

13071955_541801162658477_7987492638912455842_obeyonce-600x800WHO IS YOUR BIG IDOL/SEX SYMBOL OR GREAT EXAMPLE AND WHY?

“My big idol and example is Beyoncé. Pretty obvious, I know. I get a lot of inspiration in her way of performing, handling stress and her passion for the industry. Because I am dancing so long and performed many times, I just sometimes need that inspiration. And come on, Beyoncé is also very sexy when she sings and dances”.

12744349_10153654355502087_5808380455947433700_n13100960_10208942714181949_2624695446055152460_nWHY IS YOUR THEME/PROBLEM SO IMPORTANT?

“My theme is Sport and diversity. Many people think that in the sports world the acceptation of our 13029512_536817316490195_5592731334261025183_oLGBT people is getting better, but from my own experience I think it is just the opposite. As a graduate Bachelor in sports education I have been on many schools, sport clubs and games and I notice that, especially the young people from now, accept less and are less open-minded. Words like faggot and dirty queer are common words shouted to each other. In the dressing rooms, on the field or track I saw a lot of bullying with LGBT accusations. Also it is still big news when an athlete or top sports people come out of the closet and I don’t think it should be necessary. It is about time that sport will be for everybody and that you are not an outsider when you are gay and like to play soccer, volleyball or basketball and not just only want to dance…. Because those gays exist as well”.


12115495_10207428933418376_9201260366542394086_nWHAT IS YOUR BEST AND WORST QUALITY?

“My best quality is that I am very persistence. If I want something, and I know there is a slight chance rafto accomplish it, then I will do (almost) anything to reach my goal. I have done some “crazy” things to give my dance career a boost”.

“My worst quality is that I don’t like to lose. I play sports for years on competitive level ( swimming, athletics, dance…) and from my childhood I never want to lose”.

12771675_513863748785552_3252583409023056208_oTELL US A SECRET ABOUT YOURSELF THAT NOT MANY PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU?13240739_1072476032824008_3400035913825130056_n

“Not many people know that I wear glasses, because I almost never have them on. I feel I don’t look good with glasses. So actually most of the time I don’t see clearly and can’t read from far without them”.

13102607_541331392705454_5438363194676655175_nIMG_5639WHAT WILL YOUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE IN TEN YEARS?

“I hope that within ten years I still can do what I like to do and that I am surrounded by people who really care 5444_10208490407074554_7824109502853772360_nabout me. Also I still hope to have a good job, have my passion for dance and that I am happy with who I am and what I have achieved. A big house, a holiday house in Los Angeles, a nice car and a cute doggie would be very appreciated off course”. ;o)



DATING-APPS: “handy”

SEXIEST HUNK: brad-pitt-movies-birthday“Brad Pitt when he was 20 years younger”

12688021_10208163857271013_3873909416285396882_nMARRIAGE OR GETTING CHILDREN: “marriage”

PINK IN OUR LIVES: THE happy LGBT source“”

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: “I don’t believe in it. Kebab and pizza are exceptions”


MISTER GAY BELGIUM: “The finalist with the best message, who can contribute and represent the best for the LGBT community.”

12985636_537521513086442_3325163830786019511_nThank you for your answers Raf and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE/app/129570913824547?app_data=39391

12711317_514573158714611_2905453054828880501_oMay the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Marc Drofmans, Kevin Wuyts, Emmanuel Deprijckere, Ivo Gautier, René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates and www.welovemisses.be for the video.

IMG_5828See more at www.mrgaybelgium.be and please follow us for more about the contestants at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton


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